Imagine, at this time next year, looking at your bank account and the money you made from your business in the last 12 months, and it’s way more than you made in the past. Not only that, but you feel more balanced, happier, better rested, without a HINT of burnout or exhaustion from over-working. That sounds pretty […]
I don’t know about you, but I am really good at dreaming up a plan. I am a big-picture thinker, and I constantly have new ideas floating around in my head. Actually executing them and getting results? I am not as good at that! Can you relate? In the last four episodes of this podcast, […]
I think the term “business plan” is kind of intimidating. For me, the term seemed like something you learn how to do in business school, and it only really applied to big businesses. But actually, to be honest, I had no idea what a business plan actually was. Sure, I could have guessed, but if […]
What do you think of when you hear the word “identity?” What about when you think of your own identity? Who are you? Identity is what makes you, you. It’s all those qualities, beliefs, character traits, values – all of those things that make you an individual. That make you unique. Knowing who you are – well, […]
USE THIS FREE GUIDE TO FOLLOW ALONG WITH TODAY’S EPISODE: 3 Steps to Creating a Personal Vision Statement Today’s episode is the second episode of REFOCUS – a five-part series that is all about building foundational business strategies for the new year that will totally transform your business into a well-organized, strategic and carefully-structured organization […]
Hi! If you didn’t already know, this is Week 1 of a 5-part podcast series called REFOCUS. REFOCUS is going to walk you through a few foundational business strategies that I personally use in my business and that have totally transformed my business from a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants operation to a well-organized and carefully structured business that […]
Good fortune alone does not create success. You can’t run a sustainable business and live a successful, fulfilled life running simply on luck and forces outside your control. All long-term successful business owners have taken certain effective steps towards business success, and also towards building a successful life. If your personal life is falling apart, your business probably won’t be […]
Here we are in December . . . how are you doing? Are you filled with passion and excitement about your work, super excited to use all the extra time on building your business, or are you ready to crawl into a hole, stuff yourself with leftover halloween from October and scroll Instagram until you […]
On this episode of Everyone Wins, wedding videographer Taylor Petrinovich shares her success story of growing her business at a rapid-fire speed. When it comes to pricing, Taylor is a success story to follow: she grew her videography business from zero to luxury in a crazy fast timeframe, and she has some insider tips to […]
This episode is all about how to find your brand voice. My guest, Kaitlyn Parker, is the founder, lead copywriter, and wine enthusiast behind Copy Uncorked – a copywriting and brand strategy studio pouring up compelling words to help brands grow. Based in Virginia Beach, Kaitlyn holds a Master’s in Strategic Communications and has worked […]